
Friday, August 31, 2012

Back 2 School Madness

So I have been behind in keeping up my posts, but any Mom with kids going back to school will understand!  Trying to figure out new before and after school care, shopping for supplies, dropping off supplies and meeting new teachers, wresting the STRONG WILLED 14 month old Baby brother... I am so glad I chose to do all this in recovery.  Being stoned would distract and make dull some of these amazing moments... the last couple days before my oldest becomes an official 2nd grader...


So I read this, hoping to get a good tid-bit to share with the world, and I got exactly what I asked for.  Hope anyone who happens upon this post is able to get something genuine and accept the sincerity in which I am sharing it.

This is a passage from Day 3 in Step 11 of the Life Recovery Devotional.

"The word meditate in the Bible means "to imagine" and "to ponder repeatedly".  The key to winning the battle over obsessive thoughts is to fill our imaginations with images of a life lived according to God's plan  There's a better life for us.  When we begin to "delight in" imagining what that would be like, we will find that we begin to win some of our inner battles.

The more we bask in the joy of God's presence, the more we will discover joy within."

Thank you for this message God.  May it find it's way to a heart that needs to hear it today.

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