
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Amanda Berry - Hero of the Day!

The world we live in is a crazy place.  I found myself sitting in front of my computer with my mouth open reading about the three women who escaped 10 years of captivity. Can you imagine that? 

 Just like the heroine in a Hollywood blockbuster, Amanda Berry saved not only herself but two other women and a 6 year old girl. These men are sad, sick men.  What’s EVEN MORE CRAZY is God still loves them anyway.  Of course he is appalled disgusted and pissed off about what they did.  But Jesus died for these sinner’s too.  I think I know how Jonah felt when he ran from God to share the message of repentance to Ninevah.  He ran away as far as he could (or tried anyway) because he did not believe they should have a chance, and if they did, those words were absolutely not going to come from his mouth.  How could this Amazing God who loves me and wants to have a relationship with me, personally, want the same thing with men like these.  I’m a Jonah some days.  Today is one of them even though with everything I have in me, I know I shouldn’t judge them, but pray that out of this horrendous situation they meet the God of the Universe who loved THEM so much, he gave his only Son so that the door would be open for them to seek God and have a relationship.  It’s that’s not an unconditional, endless pursuing type of love, I do not know what is.

Who am I to say their sin is greater or “worse” than mine.  Ugh.  I’m sure glad God is more gracious than I am.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Mindful Monday - What would it mean?

What would it mean?

What would it mean to someone if you called them off a phone list, and just asked how they are doing?

What would it mean to someone if you stepped out of your comfort zone and invited that person off to the side to coffee, even though you haven’t said more than 2 words to them?

Friday, April 26, 2013


“By three methods we may learn wisdom:
first, by reflection which is noblest;
second, by imitation, which is the easiest;
and third, by experience, which is the bitterest.”
~ Confucius

Thursday, April 25, 2013

12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous

Here is the frame work to which I have built my life.  This is how I have discovered the REAL me.  The ME God created when he numbered the hairs on my head and wrote my name in His palm.  They seem momentous - and rightfully so.  These steps may not be written as is out of the Bible but they are divine in nature.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Back to Basics

I am a Mom, Wife, Friend, Co-Worker, Daughter, Sister, Sponsor, Sponsee, Debtor, Obligee, Blogger (trying anyway), Couponer, Gardener, Volunteer, Treasurer, PTO Board Member, Facebooker who occasionally sleeps.

Sometimes life just needs to brought back to basics.  Today I think I need that reminder.  Maybe you need to hear this too.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Mindful Monday

Thank you for helping me be mindful this Monday.

God, help be mindful of those around me.  Help me be mindful that I am not the center of anyone's Universe.  Help me not to be the center of my own Universe.

Help my eyes be open to see someone I can reach out to with a kind word, or smile that I might normally not notice.

Thank you for helping me be mindful this Monday.

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:41-43

Friday, April 19, 2013

Change your thoughts

I got a text message from a friend today.  She's one of those people who sends out a little tidbit to EVERY person in her phone daily.  Some days I wonder why I haven't asked her not to send them to me.  Most days though they are thought provoking and encourage me to live in the solution, never wallowing in my circumstances.

Today though, I had to respond to her.

I am in the beginning of what could be a nasty little battle with a daycare provider who, through complete negligence, sat my toddler on a counter, walked away, he falls off gets a concussion, and she believes the liability waiver I signed, desgined of course to save her from having to pay for a kids random self inflicted injury, protects her from financial obligation on the ER bills. (Yes, that was a ridiculously long run on sentance.  I'm emotional about it.  Wouldn't you be?!?!)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boston and Texas and Ricin, OH MY!

There is amazing peace that comes from being able to go to a meeting where news about the Boston explosions, Texas Fertilizer plant and ricin laden letters are not talked about.  A safe haven where everyone wants to focus on a solution and not the problem.  I feel like a fly on the wall

Friday, April 12, 2013

Thanks Jeannine!

So I have a wonderful mortgage loan lady.  Her name is Jeannine.  She sends me the best e-mails.  I know the basis is so that I won't forget her come time I buy a new home or refinance...
That's okay.  Her e-mails have relevant information to me and in this world of everyone-sends-to-many-marketing-emails age, I APPRECIATE relevant information.

If you want something you’ve never had...

If you want something you’ve never had, you had to do something you’ve never done.


What a great saying.  I got it as a signature line on an e-mail I received at work today and it really stuck out to me. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Oh no, I'm so predictable...

So I’m slightly predictable, okay, probably very predictable.  Something in me wants to say that I’m not and explain why, but really… who cares? So what?! I am predictable.  What is it in me that wants to be off the wall and do something crazy and unpredictable.  Maybe the little voice in me thinks it means I would be more interesting?  Dangerous?  Attractive?  I have no idea.  Either way I’m not… and then there is the other part of me that says that is totally okay and not even worth mentioning.  So why am I? Again, I have NO idea.  The inner dialogue started as I finally committed to publishing a post about my New Year’s Resolutions.

See now the plot thickens, or thins depending on the predictability of my leading you to this point. J

First, I don’t like the word RESOLUTION.  I have not RESOLVED to do anything. I have made a decision to try and improve in the following areas and show noticeable growth in an area.  Just had to say that.

Make time to build deeper individual relationships with the people in my life -

My children, My husband (set monthly date night), My Family and the women I call friends

I want to reduce my overall energy costs in my home.
-          Schedule a home energy Audit and get their input
-          Research cost effective ways to make the changes they suggest
-          Set a rough timeline for at least one change to be made

Build my Garden beds (donate fresh food to local charities) and chicken coop (YAY for eggs!!) out of recycled and reposed materials.

EXCERCISE, take my vitamins regularly and go to the dentist

Use my wonderful new sewing machines to make 3 baby quilts for 3 wonderful new babies due in 2013. (Fighting off baby-cravings with a stick I tell you what!)

I love that my plans now centralize around garden beds, building relationships and being healthy.  No more fixating on that next drink or fear of the reckage I caused caving in the "bubble"  I tried to live in.

I want to sneak in here that today I got to celebrate 5 years of continuous sobriety.  Who'da thought it could have happenend.  Not me, that's for sure.  Happy Birthday AA :-)