
Thursday, December 27, 2012

2013 Garden Plan

Drum Roll Please!!!!!!

I did it! I made my mapped out garden plan for this year.  It seems like a lot but it's a little bit of everything, growing at different heights, all researched as to what compliments each other.  I AM SO EXCITED!!  I need to decide where the Pumpkins will go though, they may be in the front yard, side yard or along the deck.  And Strawberries... Maybe in the front planter where all the Azalias are that are so puny and sad from the previous homeowners?

The Bank of Sunflowers are to the south and the Sun will pass directly over head to give good sunshine.  They will also entice all those pretty little buzzy bees and encourage great polination of my garden.  I have Basil to compliment the flavor of the tomatoes and deter pests.  I have Chamomile around the Broccoli because aparently Chamomile makes all plants happy.  Radishes are great paired with the Broccoli and Dill and Lettuces love to be around each other.  I have the Pole Beans and Peas with the Corn so they can naturally climb the corn stalks.  Chicken Coop and run will be to the left of the Corn (if we have them this year).

I live that I am on my staycation, spending my time plotting out my garden.  Spending time with my kids and getting ready to make homemade lasagna for dinner. YUM.  My oldest is going to help me make it.  In 6 months I will be able to season it from my garden.  I love love LOVE that I have that I am blessed enough to creat my own homestead.  I mean seriously make it my own. 

Here is the plan I made, we'll see how it goes. I'm excited to succeed, fail and learn new lessons this growing season.

I am excited to share my passion for Organic, hyper local sustainability with my kids.

Next on my list:
Getting free materials to build raised beds
Save toilet paper rolls to help protect my baby plants from meanies like Cutworms
How to save and use my rain water?
To do or not to do my chickens this year
Fruit Trees to plant in the front yard... Next Year?

In 4 days it will be 2013 and a couple weeks after that I will (by the grace of God) be celebrating 5 years of continuous sobriety.  How much I love thinking about Lasagna and fruit trees and not where, how and withwhom I am getting F'd up with on New Years Eve...

Thank you God!!


  1. GREAT JOB Mama!!! We did a garden this last year and it was awesome. I want to build several more beds. Ours were 4 x 8. We had 2 of them. We planted 2 zuccini plants in one with kale, butternut squash, tomato, lettuces.... ya, the zucchini's need like their whole OWN bed. It grew like a crazy person. So did the butternut squash. I will probably skip that all together this year. It wasn't worth it. I got two enormous squashes, but that thing took over an INSANE amount of space and it sends out little grabby vines that literally choke other plants to death. Then at the end of the season, all the tomato plants got blight, and all my bean vines had a creepy crawly I could never identify. Aphids took over kale and broccoli, so next year I'm totally gonna get netting and some ladybugs :-)

    Love that you're celebrating 5 soon! it's a VERY special milestone


    1. The aphids are why I put the chives in between the tomatoes, that is supposed to help keep them away. Also Anise, Catnip, Dill (a little) and Cilantro (which becomes coriander if you let it seed, did you know that??) are all natural aphid deterents. My first garden ever I planted three zucchini and cucumbers. NEVER will that mistake happen again. You should check out this website I found some others also that talk about companion planting. I'll let you know how it all works out.
